As comprehensive as you need it to be!

Pro3000 features a modular design with a high degree of integration. The modules are self-contained, producing useful information on their own, and each module is part of the overall system with access to data from other modules.

We offer Pro3000 in two chunks - the Core Software and the Addon Software.

Pro3000 Core Software is comprised of these modules

The System Manager is the hub of the system. It provides a customizable database of people, with the ability to conduct searches of the database, and housekeeping functions, such as back up and system diagnostics.

COMPASS Lite uses adaptive testing techniques for on-computer subtests to measure a person’s knowledge and skills. COMPASS Lite testing is criterion-referenced to the RHAJ, so its results can be compared directly to jobs in the DOT Database, or to training program requirements or local job requirements, as defined in the Local Database module. COMPASS Lite measures the three GED factors - RML - and seven of the Aptitude factors - GVNSPQC - of the DOT.

The DOT Database is the most current version of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, a 950 page encyclopedia of jobs published by the Department of Labor. It contains the job titles, full job descriptions, and DOT factor levels for over 12,500 jobs in the U.S. Economy. This module allows you to conduct very rapid searches of the database and write reports about the results. In addition, it makes DOT information available to all other modules.

The Spatial/Nonverbal module assesses the highest levels of Spatial Aptitude and Nonverbal Reasoning. There are 2 forms of each assessment, which can be administered on the computer or from printed booklets. Each assessment requires about 15 minutes. Scoring is done by the computer and the results are available to other modules.

The O*NET Database is equvalent to the Department of Labor's O*NET database but goes a step further by adding a DOT factor skills-profile to each occupation. Thus, it can be searched using the results of Pro3000 assessments and it provides O*NET information to other modules.

The Pictorial Interest Survey module provides two ways - forced choice and ranking - to assess interests, both based on the 12 categories of the Guide for Occupational Exploration. Each survey presents a series of occupational pictures with short descriptions. The evaluee makes a decision about each and the computer totals the results to produce a bar graph of relative strength for each interest area. This module also has an audio option.

The TECO (Test Conversion) module accepts scores from many standardized tests, including ABLE, CAAT, CAPS, COPS, DAT, GATB, Gates-McGinitie, TABE, Woodcock-Johnson, and WRAT, and converts them to DOT profile levels. It will also calculate a composite profile from the results of several of these tests.

Work History is used to develop a DOT profile for an individual based on the jobs that the person has held. Job information can be automatically extracted from the DOT module, the O*NET module, the COMPASS Lite module, or the Local Job Database module. A composite profile of transferable skills is generated, which can be limited by medical or evaluation results.

The Work Sample Scorer automatically scores individual Valpar Component Work Samples and combines the results of several Work Samples into a single DOT profile. The results are available to other modules. You can also define your own work samples and norm groups.

Pro3000 Addon Software adds these modules to your Core Software

The Wage and Employment Database provides wage and employment data from DOL sources. There is data for the entire US, each state, and hundreds of MSAs (metropolitan service areas). This database can be browsed by geographic area and by O*NET code.

The PET module uses an on-computer questionnaire to determine a person’s ability levels for Physical Demands, Environmental Conditions, and work related Temperaments. It also gathers information about a person’s desires to work under various conditions.

The Career Planner is used to explore occupational clusters based on over 500 SOC codes. Three searches are done simultaneously - one to find occupations for which the evaluee is currently qualified, one to find occupations for which the evaluee would qualify with a small amount of improvement, and one to indicate possible occupations upon successful completion of an educational or training program.

The OOH Database provides the most current version of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, published by the DOL, which contains a wealth of information about several hundred careers. Available data includes training requirements, employment outlook, wage information, and sources of additional information.

The Local Job Database uses the methodology described in The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ), published by the DOL, to help you create DOT-like descriptions of local jobs, complete with a DOT profile. This is the same methodology used by the U.S. Department of Labor to create the Dictionary of Occupational Titles and formed the basis for the O*NET. This module provides three ways to easily use the RHAJ job-task analysis method to fully describe local jobs, including a full DOT profile and a job description, and save them in a database that can be searched by any combination of factors.

The Competencies Database maintains competency lists for jobs and training programs. Complete competency lists for 140 DOT jobs are included, using over 15,000 individual competencies. You can also create your own lists, print checklists for various applications and track individuals through training programs.

SUS (Software Update Service) is an inexpensive way to keep your Pro3000 software up-to-date. You are guaranteed at least one update per year, which provides all software enhancements, bug fixes, and manual changes. If the DOT, SOC, OOH, or Census databases change, you’re covered!

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