First-Class Skills & Interest Assessment

  • Enhanced reports with graphs and tables.      View Sample Reports
  • Client logon option for self-directed administration
  • Client database search by skill factor and demographics
  • Automatic audio mode
  • O*Net occupational database and DOT-derived occupational database
  • Ad hoc reporting
  • Easy custom report generation

  • A validated, computerized test that can be administered in under 60 minutes with minimal administrative involvement.

  • Measures General Educational Development (GED) level of Reasoning, Math and Language as defined by the Department of Labor (DOL).

  • Tests 7 aptitude factors: General Learning Ability, Verbal, Numerical, Spatial Perception, Form Perception, Clerical Perception and Color Discrimination.

  • Reports grade levels for Math, Reading, Vocabulary and Spelling.

  • Includes two Pictorial Interest Surveys (with audio) to assess a client's career interests.

  • Provides information and job descriptions for approximately 1,000 current occupations as defined by the DOL.

  • Database Manager maintains a full client database with demographic features and all test results.

  • All assessments are performed on the computer.

  • Provides career exploration for youth and adults by matching aptitude and interest results with the Occupational Database.

  • Criterion-referenced instrument tied to DOL standards.

  • Network compatible.

  • Two purchase options:
    • Outright purchase - you own the software, unlimited use, and no annual fee.
    • Metered - $10 for each client assessed, no annual fee, and no limit to the number of installations.

Aviator's multifunctional approach encompasses aptitude assessment, two pictorial/audio interest surveys, and two databases - the standard and O*Net databases each with aproximately 1000 jobs. Using Valpar's skills-based assessment foundation, this fast, reliable, valid tool is easy to administer and cost efficient. All subtests and surveys are computer-based and can be completed in a remarkable 60 minutes.

Computerized Aptitude Assessment
Aviator's computerized assessment component is a criterion-referenced battery of short tests whose scores relate to work-related factors of the U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ). It also contains basic Math and Language curriculum typical of U.S. schools, grades four through thirteen. Results from Aviator subtests are automatically converted into scores that are collectively called the Worker Qualification Profile (WQP).

Skills are measured in the academic areas of reading, math, vocabulary, and spelling. Other cognitive skills tested include editing, eye-hand coordination, problem solving, color discrimination, size discrimination and short-term visual memory. Scores are reported in accordance with DOL scales (GED 6-1, Aptitudes 1-5). Work factores reported by Aviator include GED Reasoning, Math, and Language plus the Aptitudes of General Learning Ability, Verbal, Numerical, Spatial, Form Perception, Clerical Perception, and Color Discrimination. For those interested in testing physical aptitudes such as motor coordination, finger and manual dexterity, an optional hands-on component is available.

Aviator's academic subtests cover the range of scholastic grades from the 4th through 13th (in the case of the reading rest, through the 14th). Test takers progress through the academic tests from the relatively easier, early grade levels through increasingly advanced content levels by correctly answering a minimum number of items within each grade level. When the test taker fails to answer the required number of items correctly within a level, the test stops, and he or she receives the highest grade level score actually achieved.

Pictorial Interest Surveys
These surveys identify an individual’s job-related interests as they correspond to the U.S. Department of Labor’s 12 major Interest Areas. The evaluator can administer either a “Forced Choice” or “Rank Order” version of the Interest Survey. Each survey features pictures of people in today’s jobs, allowing test takers to read a description of each job or to simply click an audio button and have the description read to them. Surveys can be taken all at once or over a period of time. Each survey is administered and scored in its entirety on the computer.

Occupational Database
Aviator's O*Net database is based on the U.S. Department of Labor's O*Net. Aviator's Standard Occupational Database was derived from the Department of Labor's collection of 12,700+ jobs using the 66 interest areas of the Guide for Occupational Exploration as a filter. These 66 interest areas also form the basis of Aviator's interest surveys. All DOL jobs for a particular interest area were examined and a representative sample was selected. The selection process emphasized titles that are career oriented rather than job specific, titles that represent the current workplace, and titles that carry a clear meaning. The database contains occupations that are predicted to grow in the next several years as well as ones that are expected to decline - information that is very valuable for people considering these careers. The evaluator or evaluee can conduct job searches using single or multiple work factors. For example, job matches can be found, based on areas of interest, academic skill, or aptitude ability. Results are reported in terminology easy to understand with visual displays that include eye-catching, color-coded bar graphs.

Database Manager
The Database Manager is the hub of Aviator. It maintains a database of individuals, storing all assessment data as well as demographic information such as ethnic origin and disability. The Database Manager has “browse” and “find” capabilities and allows the user to maintain and store comments via a comment editor. Disability, ethnicity and client referral source codes can be customized by the user.

Download Aviator Sample Reports

Counselor's Report

Summary Report

Assessment Results with Job Search

Creating Custom Reports

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